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Foreign actors

Work Stops in Syrian Drama

The Syrian Artists Union have stopped work, to protect their health and prevent the spread of coronavirus in Syria reports Enab Baladi.

Syrian Militant Commander Assassinated in Libya

Hamza Division leader Abu Hussein Hindawi is believed to have been assassinated in Libya, with suspicion falling on a rival Syrian rebel group reports Al-Masdar.

Opposition Forces Thwart Regime Attack South of Idleb

The Syrian regime’s forces launched an attack on the villages of al-Ftira and Sfuhon, but were stopped by Turkish backed forces, who destroyed a tank reports Zaman Al-Wasl.

Food Prices Jump in Syria

As restrictions to help stop the spread of coronavirus are implemented, the price food and cleaning supplies have soared in the Damascus markets reports Enab Baladi.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Coronavirus preparedness steps up, Syria and ChIna discuss prevention, Libya warns of foreign fighter infections and migrants rescued off Cypriot coast. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.