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Foreign actors

Syria: Government and Opposition Submit Documents in Geneva

All parties to the Syrian Constitutional Committee have submitted documents outlining their visions for the future, as the latest round of talks came to an end reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

Syria’s Protracted Oil Crisis

A lack of fuel continues to plague Syria, and accusations flying around about who is to blame and what solutions are available reports Baladi News.

Prominent Iranian Militia Leader Dies of Coronavirus

It has been announced the Maj. Gen. Abdul Rasul Astwar Mahmoud Abadi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has died after contracting the coronavirus reports Alsouria Net.

Idleb Comes Under Focus After Turkish Troop Movements

The northern province of Idleb is supposed to be controlled by a ceasefire agreement between Russia and Turkey, but frequent infringements spread fear and chaos reports Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Turkey Starts Establishing New Base in Idleb Countryside

Following their withdrawal from a number of observation points, Turkey is establishing what will be their largest bases in the Jabal al-Zawiya area, with fresh reinforcements reports Jesr Press.

First Mission for New US Special Envoy for Syria

Joel Rayburn has travelled to Ankara to meet with the Presidential Spokesperson and discuss issues related to Syria, including the situation in Idleb and the need for a political solution writes Alsouria Net.

New SNHR Report Reveals Killings, Disappearances

A new report by the Syrian Network for Human Rights has documented the killing of civilians during November and the parties responsible for these crimes writes Sowt Al-Asima.

Refugee Issue Steals Show in Geneva

The Constitutional Committee has continued its work in Geneva, with talks dominated by the issue of refugees writes Alsouria Net.

Suspicious Shipments from Syria Seized in Egypt

A shipment of Captagon pills thought to be worth millions, has been seized by Egyptian authorities, with the Hezbollah being suspected as being the culprits reports Shaam News.

Mazloum Abdi: “I Will Return To Politics”

Mazloum Abdi has said that now the fight against the Islamic State is over, he will be returning to politics, if unity talks and other initiatives lead to success reports Etihad Press.

Turkey Says Kills 4 Kurdish Fighters in Northern Syria

Turkey has said that it killed four members of Syria’s Kurdish People’s Protection Units as they tried to cross over into the Operation Peace Spring area reports Zaman Al-Wasl.