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Al-Hassakeh Thirsty for Fourth Consecutive Week

The water cuts are generating serious health risks for the population, particularly in light of the efforts to the face the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, Levant News writes

Turkey Withdraws from Aleppo Countryside

These outposts were the last to be besieged by Assad forces, and Turkey would have now evacuated all the besieged observation points, writes Al-Souria

The Battle of the Syrian Presidency Rages On

The Syrian presidential election is due to take place next year, but the issue of who will run and how refugees will be able to vote has become a contentious issue writes Al-Modon.

Coronavirus Vaccine in Syria not in the Offing

As the coronavirus continues to spread across Syria, Dr. Essam al-Amin has warned that a vaccine is unlikely to reach Syria anytime soon reports Syria Steps.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Syria has been criticized by the OPCW, refugees become Canadian citizens, Turkey launches fresh assault in Raqqa and coronavirus cases continue to rise. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Is the Syrian South Trekking Out Again?

Amid political inaction Khalid al-Mahamid has called for the forming of a new political movement, which it is hoped will unite the south and achieve progress towards a political solution writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Prominent Media Activist Assassinated in al-Bab

Hussein Khattab has been shot dead by unknown assassins as he worked on a video report in al-Bab, making him the latest journalist to be killed in Syria reports Alsouria Net.

Lebanon: UNHCR New Aid Cut Is Unfair, Refugees Say

The UNHCR have announced that financial and food aid for refugees in Lebanon will end, leaving many wondering how they will survive reports Zaman Al-Wasl.