
Foreign actors

Syria Asks Interpol to Arrest Samir Geagea

In its first official arrest warrant after being readmitted to Interpol, Syria has called for the arrest of Samir Geagea, chairman of the Lebanese Forces party, for attacking Syrians and conspiring against the regime, according to al-Hal.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Iran threatens Israel, unrest in Idleb, and Syria discusses relations with Serbia. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Caesar Act: As if it Never Happened

Bassam Hashem explains how regional dynamics are proving that the “war on Syria” and the Caesar Act were pointless and vain, in an op-ed to the Baath Newspaper.

Syria Accuses Israel of Assassinating ex-MP

Syria has accused Israeli forces of assassinating Medhat al-Saleh, a former MP who had spent 12 years in jail in Israel, al-Araby al-Jadeed writes.

Israeli Airstrike Kills Four in Central Syria: Monitor

An Israeli airstrike in central Syria killed one Syrian soldier and three pro-Iranian fighters on Wednesday, a Britain-based war monitor said, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Turkish Defense Minister Renews Threat to “Alert” YPG

Turkish Defense Minister renewed his threat to launch an operation against the YPG in northeastern Syria, following attacks on Turkish officers and villages, according to al-Souria Net.