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In Syria, Every Penny Counts

The economic crisis continues to hurt Syrian consumers, but some shops are selling items for just a single Syrian pound writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Peace Remains ‘Unreachable Dream’ for Syrian Family

Thousands of families have been forced out of their homes by the war and violence, living under the harsh conditions, but hoping to one day return writes Anadolu News Agency.

No Place for Poor in Damascus During Ramadan

Families in Damascus are struggling to put food on the table during Ramadan due to the dire economic conditions that are plaguing the country writes Damas Post.

A New Ramadan, or New Values

Over the past eight years of war, Ramadan and the way that Syrian society views Ramadan has changed, with some openly not observing the fasting writes Salon Syria.

8,409 Charged With Drug Dealing in 2018

Major Hossam Azar from the anti-drug department, blamed the spread of drugs on terrorist groups, who use the profits to fund their activities writes Al-Watan.

What If OCHA Returned to Damascus?

The prospect of the return of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has raised many questions about the relationship between the regime and the UN and how aid will be used writes Al-Modon.

No Graves for the Dead in Damascus

The cemeteries of Damascus are full to overflowing and families wishing to bury their loved ones must first make a large donation, which many can’t afford reports Alsouria Net.

The Lost Voices of Women in Assad’s Prisons

For women in Assad’s prisons, existence is a life of torture and suffering, never knowing whether you will be released or survive your ordeal writes Zaman Al Wasl.