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Hazem Karfoul: Scapegoat or Corrupt?

Observers remain divided over the justification surrounding former central bank governor Hazem Karfoul’s dismissal, writes Baladi News.

In a First, Syrian Refugee Runs for German Parliament

Six years after having fled Syria, a social worker has announced his candidacy to represent the Green Party in Germany’s Bundestag parliament, according to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

What is the Truth of Syria’s Economic Future?

Minister of Finance Kinan Yaghi has told Syrians that 2021 will be a better year, economically speaking, than last year, although gave few specific details writes Syria Steps.

Syria’s Damascus Faces Famine Amid Economic Crisis

The economic situation in Syria continues to worsen and with no indications that wages are set to rise, it is feed that the country could slip into famine writes North Press.

On the Fate of Syrian Agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture is working with farmers to boost the production of wheat in Syria, and push the country out of the crisis that it currently finds itself in writes Al-Watan.