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Government Accuses Turkey of “Supporting Terrorists in Syria”

The National Front for Liberation has admitted that it has received logistic, military and intelligence support from the Turkish regime writes SANA.
Government Accuses Turkey of “Supporting Terrorists in Syria”

New evidence exposing the strong link between the Turkish regime led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan and terrorist organizations and the continued support it provides to them has come to light with the so-called “National Front for Liberation” terrorist organization admitting that the Turkish regime has always and is still providing logistic, military and intelligence support to it. 

Speaking through media outlets, which are partners in the shedding of Syrian blood, the Front’s Spokesman, Naji Mustafa, revealed that the Turkish support for terrorist organizations, which are spread across the Idleb and Hama countrysides and other areas has never stopped, adding that the Turkish regime has provided anti-armor TOW missiles to terrorists, in an attempt to hamper the advancement of the Syrian Arab Army to liberate these areas from terrorism. 

The details of the battles, in which the Syrian Arab Army fights against terrorist organizations in the Hama countryside and in Idleb’s southern countryside, have exposed the Turkish support for the terrorist organizations as the cameras of the national media have documented the armored vehicles and troop carriers that have been destroyed by the Syrian Arab Army in its battles against the terrorists, which represent conclusive evidence on the huge support provided by the Turkish regime to terrorists. 

Local and media sources last month revealed that the Turkish support has not been limited to particular terrorist groups, but that Jabhat al-Nusra has obtained the largest support, taking receipt of eight excavators last month through the Turkish borders. They started excavations under the supervision of a team of engineers of different Arab nationalities, including those who are specialized in construction and geology. 

In recent months, the Turkish regime has provided hundreds of drones to Jabhat al-Nusra with the aim of launching chemical attacks on the civilians and to attack the posts of the Syrian Arab Army from Idleb, according to the sources. 

This evidence supports the tens of irrefutable documents which have been published by international media outlets that have confirmed the strong link between terrorists in Syria and the Turkish regime.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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