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Top Regime Army Commander Killed in Northern Hama

Maj. Gen. Taleb Salameh killed in ongoing clashes with rebel forces on Sunday
Top Regime Army Commander Killed in Northern Hama

A top regime army commander was killed Sunday in ongoing clashes in the northern countryside of Hama city, regime media and activists reported.

Major General Taleb Salameh was the commander of Brigade 47, active in Homs and Hama provinces.

Syrian rebels have pressed on, advancing further into northeast Hama, taking control of a series of villages and strategic hills.

Rebel news feeds said more than 150 troops were killed in the ongoing clashes.

Social media activists also mocked Russia’s air campaign as strikes have failed to paralyze rebel advances despite nearly 40 days of continual bombing.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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