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Syrians Stage Sit-Ins to Mark 4th Anniversary of Ghouta Chemical Massacre

Demonstrations in several countries called for Assad to be brought to justice for his involvement in crimes against civilians, opposition media office reports
Syrians Stage Sit-Ins to Mark 4th Anniversary of Ghouta Chemical Massacre

Syrian protestors on Monday commemorated the fourth anniversary of the Ghouta chemical massacre which claimed the lives of over a thousand civilians, mostly women and children.

Syrian activists and the diaspora organized dozens of demonstrations and sit-ins inside and outside Syria, holding placards calling for the international community to bring President Bashar al-Assad to justice for his crimes.

On Aug. 21, 2013, the Assad regime shelled the Eastern Ghouta and the district of Moadamiyah in the Western Ghouta of the Damascus suburbs with sarin-filled rockets, killing around 1,200 civilians.

In a report issued on Aug. 14, the Syrian Network for Human Rights said it had recorded a total of 207 chemical weapons attacks since 2011, 174 of which took place after the adoption of a United Nations Security Council resolution threatening measures against culprits in the event non-compliance.

The Syrian National Coalition called upon the U.N. Security Council and the international community to assume their responsibilities in holding to account those responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria and all other crimes against civilians.

"Despite the continued inaction by the international community, the Syrian people will remain true to the blood of their fallen heroes. This inaction will only increase their determination to achieve the goals of the revolution of freedom, justice and dignity," the Coalition said in a statement on Monday.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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