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Israeli Wall on Syrian Border: To Prevent Another Aqsa Flood

Over the past two years, Israeli incursions into Syrian territory have been frequent, involving the bulldozing of points, sites, and agricultural lands to facilitate road construction, al-Modon writes.
Israeli Wall on Syrian Border: To Prevent Another Aqsa Flood

The Hebrew media has reported that Israeli occupation forces have commenced construction of a substantial land barrier along the border with Syria. This initiative aims to mitigate threats from that direction and prevent infiltration into the occupied territories from the Golan Heights, similar to tactics employed by Palestinian resistance during the Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7, 2023.

According to Hebrew Channel 12, the establishment of this barrier is part of a broader strategy to address perceived threats from the Syrian border, which the Israeli security apparatus regards as serious. The channel noted that the new checkpoint will significantly complicate efforts by “terrorists” to enter Israeli territory in the future, especially given the ongoing concerns about security along the eastern border as well.

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The planned barrier will consist of a double fence, earth mounds, and trenches, with enhancements to the existing fence through technological means and intelligence gathering. The border fence between Israel and Syria spans approximately 92 kilometers.

The security system intends to undertake engineering work on the Syrian border to strengthen the area, thereby impeding any potential incursions by “enemy forces and hostile members.” Reports indicate that the Israeli army is actively involved in these efforts. The construction of the new wall is seen as a response to lessons learned after the Palestinian resistance breached the Gaza border during the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

The channel did not clarify whether this new land barrier is connected to the Sufa-53 road, which Israeli media reported began construction two years ago. At that time, it was noted that the road included deep trenches within the demilitarized zone, near areas occupied by regime forces. The width of the area varies, measuring 100 meters in some sections adjacent to the border with liberated Syrian territory, while in others it extends to about 1 kilometer along the border strip with the occupied Golan Heights.

Annexation of Syrian territory 

Over the past two years, Israeli incursions into Syrian territory have been frequent, involving the bulldozing of points, sites, and agricultural lands to facilitate road construction. However, a recent event marked a significant escalation: an Israeli military force penetrated the countryside of Quneitra and annexed Syrian territory.

According to the Ahrar Horan Gathering, an Israeli military unit, supported by vehicles and armored personnel carriers equipped with machine guns, entered Syrian territory near the town of Kodna in southern Quneitra, close to the western side of Tal al-Ahmar. The forces began bulldozing agricultural land, including olive trees.

The operation targeted an area measuring 500 meters in length and one kilometer in width. After bulldozing the land, the Israeli force placed barbed wire to demarcate the annexed territory from the Syrian side. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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