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Hours After Arrest: Government Forces Hand Over Body of Man to his Family in Daraa

Sayasneh’s relatives received his body, which showed signs of a gunshot wound, shortly after his arrest near the town of Rakhamm North Press says.
Hours After Arrest: Government Forces Hand Over Body of Man to his Family in Daraa

On Tuesday, government forces returned the body of Bahaa Suhail Sayasneh, a young man from Daraa, less than 24 hours after his arrest by the Air Force Intelligence branch in the eastern countryside of Daraa.

According to a North Press correspondent citing a local source, Sayasneh’s relatives received his body, which showed signs of a gunshot wound, shortly after his arrest near the town of Rakham. At the time of his detention, he was with another individual, Awad Abu Nabot, who remains in custody. The two men were reportedly on their way to Rakham to sell a motorcycle.

Tensions erupted in Daraa al-Balad on Tuesday morning, with residents demanding the release of the detained men after news of Sayasneh’s death spread. Local authorities responded by closing roads and increasing security presence in Daraa al-Mahatta, forcing shop owners in the area to shut down.

The source indicated that both young men were shot by members of the Air Force Intelligence branch. Sayasneh was first taken to the Air Force Intelligence detachment in al-Ghariya al-Sharqiya before being transferred to Daraa National Hospital, where he ultimately died. Initially, officers from the Air Force Intelligence refused to release his body, but the Central Committee in Daraa intervened, leading to its handover to his family. Meanwhile, the fate of the other detainee, Abu Nabot, remains uncertain as he was moved to Damascus.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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