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Golan Residents Protest Against War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu

Hundreds of residents in the occupied Syrian Golan took to the streets of Majdal Shams on Monday, al-Thawra writes.
Golan Residents Protest Against War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu

Hundreds of residents in the occupied Syrian Golan took to the streets of Majdal Shams on Monday, protesting the arrival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the site of a massacre his forces committed in the town on Saturday.

According to a SANA reporter, the demonstrators confronted Netanyahu, attempting to block his entry into Majdal Shams. They labeled him a criminal and a fascist, demanding his immediate departure from the town.

The protesters chanted slogans condemning Netanyahu, raising banners that called him a war criminal and a child killer. They also denounced the occupation’s aggressive practices in the Golan and the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

Despite the heavy security presence, the people managed to prevent Netanyahu from entering the football stadium where the attack occurred, forcing him and his guards to use a back entrance.

Thousands of residents from the occupied Syrian Golan and delegations from occupied Palestine gathered to bid farewell to the 12 martyrs killed in the Israeli missile strike on the Majdal Shams football stadium.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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