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Three Criminals who Assassinated Activist Abu Ghannoum and his Wife were Sentenced to Death by Hanging East of Aleppo

The Hamza Division of the Syrian National Army has acknowledged the affiliation of the assassination cell with its ranks but has attempted to absolve itself of responsibility for the crime
Three Criminals who Assassinated Activist Abu Ghannoum and his Wife were Sentenced to Death by Hanging East of Aleppo

The Military Criminal Court in al-Ra’i, situated in the eastern countryside of Aleppo governorate, has issued a death sentence against three individuals involved in the case of the assassination of activist Muhammad Abdul Latif Abu Ghannoum and his pregnant wife in 2022 in the city of al-Bab, located in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

Identified as Muhammad al-Mughayir, born in Deir-ez-Zor governorate and serving as a brigade commander in the Hamza Division, a faction within the Joint Force of the Syrian National Army, along with Anwar al-Salman, born in Homs, and another individual named Muhammad al-Aqal, the perpetrators were found guilty in the investigations and confessions of the assassination cell. These confessions affirmed their association with the Hamza Division and their execution of the activist under the directive of a leader known as Abu Sultan al-Dairi. During video testimonies, one of the convicts mentioned that the order to eliminate the activist came under the pretext of “orders from the teacher”.

The Hamza Division of the Syrian National Army has acknowledged the affiliation of the assassination cell with its ranks but has attempted to absolve itself of responsibility for the crime, disavowing any connection to those proven to be involved. This maneuver aims to shift accountability away from the division and onto the individuals implicated.

Human rights observers highlight the disregard of the de facto authorities in areas controlled by the Syrian Interim Government for adhering to the basic judicial guarantees necessary to ensure a fair trial. Such negligence ultimately paves the way for extrajudicial killings of suspects.

Activist Abu Ghannoum was assassinated on Friday, October 7, 2022, in al-Bab, a prominent figure in the local activism scene, whose involvement in revolutionary activities was extensive and impactful.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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