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Turkish-Backed Factions Torture Pregnant Woman to Death in Afrin

A pregnant woman was tortured to death by the Turkish intelligence in the town of Afrin after she was accused of detonating a car bomb, a rights group claimed, according to North Press.
Turkish-Backed Factions Torture Pregnant Woman to Death in Afrin
Turkish-Backed Factions Torture Pregnant Woman to Death in Afrin

A six-month pregnant woman was tortured to death in a Turkish intelligence center in the city of Afrin, northern Syria, Human Rights Organization- Afrin said on Sunday.

“The woman was arrested in the city center, on October 11 on charges of detonating a car bomb,” the organization added.

Last week, a car bomb exploded in the city of Afrin, leaving 27 people killed and injured.

On its official Facebook account, the Human Rights Organization said that Na’mat Bahjat Sheikho (32), was arrested with her husband, Khalil Na’san” (36 ), and they were taken to the headquarters of the Turkish intelligence in the Amir al-Ghubari School in the city center.

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The woman was six months pregnant, and she was beaten and tortured to death hours after her arrest, according to the organization.

The Human Rights Organization-Afrin attached its publication with a photo of the woman, who came from the village of Qupeh Hamshelak in Rajo district, in the countryside of Afrin.

The Afrin region has been witnessing cases of killing, kidnapping, and arrest, in addition to frequent bombings, amid the inability of the factions controlling it to settle the security in the region.

The city of Afrin and its villages, north of Aleppo, have been run by Turkish forces and the factions affiliated with them since March 2018.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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