
Assad Himself Puts the Plan Of a Chemical Attack

The plan was reportedly discussed with Iranian officials
Assad Himself Puts the Plan Of a Chemical Attack

Informed sources with the Free Syrian Army in Damascus countryside said the Syrian regime has put in place a new plan to launch a chemical attack on the eastern Ghouta, specifically Jobar, which is considered the first line to connect with the heart of the capital Damascus.


The sources, who obtaine leaked evidence from collaborative figures within the regime, confirmed that Bashar Assad met the security leaders four days ago and discussed how to stop the advance of opposition forces in eastern Ghouta.


The decision of the meeting of military and security leadership was to use chemical weapons with the help of Iranian military experts, according to the newspaper's sources.


The sources confirmed that officers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had the decisive opinion at the meeting of security officials, and actually, the suggestion of using chemical weapons is likely to be purely Iranian, given the chemicals used are Iranian-made and because of the U.N. actions against Syria's chemical sites.


The sources said that the meeting of security leaders came after the regime detected an opposition plan for an attack on Damascus two days ago, uncovered via its agents among the opposition forces, using long tunnels leading to the center of the capital, Damascus, and that the tunnels dug by the rebels were top be utilised in the context of the announcement of the battle of Damascus.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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