A former prisoner in the regime’s branch 227 detention center, reported his frightening experience lasted for 52 days, where he witnessed horrible cases of death under torture or as a result of infection and disease.
The former detainee, a veterinarian, confirmed he witnessed 124 deaths in less than two months, one of them under torture, with others dying from infection and gangrene resulting from severe beating and lack of treatment.
“One of them was a young man who was killed only because he was from Daraya, as the sergeant kept hitting him on his severely infected and gangrenous foot untill it was separated from the rest of his leg”, the witness detailed.
The prisoner explained he witnessed these horrors as he moved between the prison’s cells to administer injections, because the official prison doctor was disgusted by the inmates. “He used to say: bring him to treat those donkeys”, the veterinarian added. “Each cell had its guard who distributed food to prisoners and sometimes tortured them.
“He used to choose 10 prisoners to entertain military members, sometimes massaging them”, he added. The detainee confirmed the detention center had a temporary graveyard were bodies were put to remove later. The prisoner added that guards forced them to call the dead as “carcass” when they wanted to inform guards of their deaths.
The witness was arrested in Hama at a military security barrier and transferred to the local military police branch, followed by branch 227 in Kafr Soseh before being moved to Adra.