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November 2019

Who’s Who: Hadi al-Bahra

Hadi al-Bahra is the co-president of the opposition’s side of the Constitutional Committee and has for a long time been central in opposition politics.

Who’s Who: Ahmad Nabil al-Kuzbari

Ahmad Nabil al-Kuzbari was named as the head of the regime delegation to Constitutional Committee, but prior to that he was known for chairing the Constitutional and Legislative Committee of the People’s Assembly.

Assad: ISIS Prisoners Could Face Trial in Syria

In an interview with Paris Match, President Bashar al-Assad talked about the killing of the leader of ISIS and the presence of foreign forces writes SANA.

Germany: Syrian Refugees Face New Restrictions

Syrian refugees living in Germany are facing new restrictions on where they can live, adding to the pressures of learning the language and finding employment writes Zaman al-Wasl.

Assad Militias Launch Missile Attack on Jisr al-Shughour

Assad’s forces, back by Russia and Iranian militias, are pushing their assault on Idleb, killing a number of people in a missile attack on Jisr al-Shughour reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Darayya: Destroyed and Empty

Darayya, which was once dubbed the ‘icon of the revolution’, is now a scene of looted stores and destroyed homes reports Asharq Al-Awsat.

Colonel From Assad Militia Kidnapped in Suweida

Kidnappings continue to plague Suweida, with a colonel from one of Assad’s militias being the latest person to be held for ransom reports Orient Net.

Syrian Budget Suffers 1 Billion Dollar Drop

Due to the ongoing currency crisis, the 2020 budget has shrunk since it was originally presented to the People’s Assembly writes Iqtissad.