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July 2019

Syria Participates in the AICC’s Meetings

The Arab-Italian Chamber of Commerce were called up to take part in the upcoming Damascus International Fair reports The Syria Times.

The 61st Damascus International Fair Draws Nearer

Under the slogan, “From Damascus… to the World,” the Damascus International Fair is promising to bring together business and culture from across the country, region and world reports SANA.

America’s Agendas Are in Decline

Despite the repeated efforts by the US, with help from Israel, to undermine Syria and the rest of the region, their schemes and practises have failed writes The Syria Times.

Lebanon ‘Driving out Syrian Refugees by Making Their Lives Unbearable’

Syrian activists and humanitarian workers have warned of increasingly dire conditions for approximately one million Syrian refugees in Lebanon at an Amnesty-sponsored conference of activists and humanitarian workers reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Syria Condemns Israel-Russia-US Meeting in the Golan

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN reaffirmed Syria’s sovereign right to restore all the occupied Golan during the 41st session of the Human Rights Council writes SANA.

Germany Declines US Request for Ground Troops in Syria

During a trip to Berlin, US special representative on Syria James Jeffrey mentioned that it is the wish of the US administration that Germany send ground troops to northern Syria writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.