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July 2019

What Happened Over the Weekend

Syria denies chemical weapon findings, Assad meets with the Russians, Nasrallah praises efforts of Hezbollah in Syria and more civilians killed in Idleb. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Strict Measures for Syrian Refugees in Turkey

Following the recent election in Istanbul, Syrians living in Turkey are set to face increased pressure and scrutiny of their residency and living arrangements writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Terrorists Attack Gas Pipeline Feeding Ebla Factory

A terrorist attack on a gas pipeline in the eastern Homs countryside, which links the al-Shaer gas field with Ebla Gas Factory, forced the cessation of services reports SANA.

National Defense Militias Loot Air Conditioners

Air conditioning units, stolen by the National Defense militias from houses in Albu Kamal, are being sold to militias from Iraq writes Smart News.

A Series of Blasts Rocks Hassakeh

A total of four explosions hit the city of Hassakeh, causing damage and some injuries, and forcing the authorities to take action and impose a curfew on motorcycles reports Etihad Press.

Fear Invades Lattakia

A surprize attack on the Jabal al-Turkman front by opposition forces left tens of fighters wounded and spread fear on the streets of Lattakia reports Al-Modon.