

EU Must Assume Greater Role in Geneva Talks: Coalition

During meeting with high-level Dutch delegation, Coalition president urges EU to take a more active role in the upcoming Geneva talks, opposition media office reports

Embracing the ‘Turkish Hijab’ — Syrian Women Choose Integration to Avoid Harassment

“It’s different when I wear a Syrian hijab because the Turks believe that I won’t understand them and so they avoid me and don’t speak with me.” As debate continues in the West around the compatibility of the hijab with European values, Enab Baladi speaks to Syrian women in Turkey about their reasons for adopting the the Anatolian version of the head covering

Jamal Suleiman: Russians Want to Tame Armed Opposition, Not Legitimize Them

Opposition outlet AlSouria Net speaks with the Syrian actor and member of the Cairo platform about next week’s negotiations in Geneva with the Assad regime, the role rebel groups will play, as well as Moscow’s intentions surrounding the political process in Syria

Endless Suffering of Syria’s Widows — Can the Cycle Be Broken?

Widows of northern Syria face immense pressures in the wake of their husbands’ deaths, as most are treated as inferior citizens and forced to comply with strict and demeaning expectations in order to receive support from family members, Asmaa al-Naasan writes in online magazine Al-Gherbal

The Gates of Hell Open Up in Northern Syria

Lebanese website Al-Modon comments on the fracturing of opposition forces in Syria’s northern provinces as internal fighting forces factions to side with one of the two main rebel groups, Ahrar al-Sham or Al-Qaeda’s affiliate Jabhat Fateh al-Sham