

Monitor: 1,014 Civilians Killed in Syria During April

British-based group singles out regime and Russian forces for their human rights violations in report documenting the deaths of more than a thousand non-combatants in 30 days, Madar al-Youm reports

Moscow Warns of ‘Preparations for Chemical Show’ in Damascus

Russia’s head of arms control claims new ‘chemical theater’ could take place in the Damascus countryside, Saudi-owned Al-Hayat reports, weeks after Putin pointed to the possibility of ‘fake’ gas attacks to justify further U.S. strikes on the Syrian regime

Warplanes Kill 12 People in Idleb Hospital Strike

A dozen people killed and hospital damaged by airstrikes on opposition-held Kafr Takharim, in yet another case of medical facilities being targeted by Syrian or Russian warplanes, Alsouria reports

Opinion: Trump Is Forced to Be Serious

The Assad regime is scrambling to receive assurances from allies and make sense of U.S. policy after the Trump administration’s surprise strike on a Syrian air base. But Damascus is failing to see that rules of the game have already changed, Yahya Al-Aridi writes for opposition outlet All4Syria

Possible Russian Airstrike Targets Main Market in Khan Sheikhoun

Civilians reported dead and wounded after central market is struck in Khan Sheikhoun, the site of this month’s chemical attack which preceded the first U.S. military strikes on Syria, opposition media Alsouria Net writes