

Civilian Tortured to Death by US-Led Forces

The tortured civilian was accused of collaborating with the Islamic State, whose defeat was announced at the end of last week writes Zaman Al Wasl.

The South’s Uprising Escalates Again

Broken regime promises and a continuing deterioration of living conditions in the southern province of Daraa have pushed people to protest writes Human Voice.

Doomed Jihadists Retreat Within Shrinking Final Syria Bastion

Both refugees and Islamic State fighters have been forced from the final stronghold of Baghouz, many of whom have ended up in the al-Hol camp, whose numbers have swelled in recent weeks writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Regime Releases Prisoners From Hama Prison

While President Assad has granted an amnesty to the prisoners, it is dependent on them complete military service reports Alsouria Net.

Who Is Besieging Turkey in Idleb: Russia or America?

As the deescalation agreement that governs Idleb continues to crumble, active parties are exploring a potential assault on the region and the implications that it could have writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Iran to Take Lattakia Port

Reports of the possibility that Iran could take control of the port of Lattakia have ramped up tensions between them and Russia, as the two countries jostle for influence in a post war Syria writes Ana Press.

Ali Mamlouk Meets Turkish Intelligence

The head of the National Security Bureau, Major General Ali Mamlouk, was secretly transported to Turkey by the Russians on a boat to meet with members of the Turkish intelligence writes Al-Modon.

The Rebuilding of Syria and Conflicting Interests

While Assad has achieved success on the ground, he now faces new battles on the diplomatic stage, which look set to be an insurmountably task writes Anadolu News Agency.

Has Assad Really Won?

Recent protests in southern Syria have shown that, while Assad has taken control of much of Syria, opposition on the ground still remains reports Syria TV.