

Paris Holds the Key to the Resolution of Syrian Crisis

The recent repositioning of Paris vis-à-vis the Syrian crisis toward viewing the regime as a solution to an end of terrorism comes as right-wing movements across the globe dominate the political stage

Geneva Peace Talks Stillborn After Homs Attacks

The latest Astana talks mark a regression from the first round as the US returns to the scene, spurring a series of regional and international developments which undermine earlier achievements

Moscow Discusses Syria Safe Zones With Damascus

The Syrian regime forces scored a major gain against ISIS militants in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, while the negotiations at Geneva continue as Russia and US talk of plans for establishment of safe zones

Opinion: Concessions Did Not Save Geneva

Although almost everyone cooperated with the Russian project, including Turkey, Gulf countries, and the Trump administration, this wasn’t enough

Opinion: The Search for Syria

The international body, along with its influence, has been compromised by the Russian veto which on several occasions stood to thwart any attempt at salvaging Syria today

Where is the US on the Geneva Talks?

The two warring Syrian sides do not have the power to reject or obstruct any peace deal and the position of the new US administration on Syria will determine whether the Geneva talks will be successful

Opinion: De Mistura Must Unite Syrian Opposition in Geneva Talks

De Mistura must try and unite the opposition delegations if the Geneva talks are to be successful, and any future solution will require UN member states to stop funding terrorism and collaborate with the Syrian government, writes Samer Dahi for loyalist Al-Watan

Clashes Intensify in Daraa as Regime Launches Air Raids

Regime warplanes launched 15 air raids and dropped six barrel bombs on al-Manshiya neighborhood in Daraa, intensifying clashes and forcing schools to close, opposition outlet reports

Opinion: Iran’s Decline

The decline of Iran’s dominance is inevitable due to its diverging interests with Russia in Syria and the emergence of an American policy shift