

Mhardeh: Russia Protects Us, Not the Regime

The residents of Mhardeh have found themselves between the regime and opposition fighters, but they are looking to Russia to protect them reports Al-Modon.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Continued attacks in Idleb, anger over international inaction, Turkish and Russian talks and refugees returning from Lebanon. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Idleb: Political Escalation in Parallel

As the land and air assault on the province of Idleb continues, discussions in the background are still trying to secure political advantages writes Alsouria Net.

Has the Sochi Deal Collapsed?

Recent military developments in Idleb have highlighted the differences between Turkey and Russia and increased speculation about a possible offensive on the province reports Alsouria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend

A Syrian Facebook, Russian reticence about an Idleb assault, a halt to the registration of refugees in Germany and Syrians arrested in Lebanon. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Russia Secures Tartous Port for the Next 49 Years

The port will be used by the Russians for transportation and economic purposes, while continuing to serve as a base for their warships reports Alsouria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Israeli airstrikes on Hama’s countryside, regime airstrikes in Idleb, Turkish reinforcements sent to the border and Leishmaniasis disease spreads across Raqqa. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Russia Hands Over Remains of Israeli Soldier

The remains of Zachary Baumel, who was killed in 1982, were handed over by Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to Israeli President, Benjamin Netanyahu reports Alsouria Net.

Who Is Besieging Turkey in Idleb: Russia or America?

As the deescalation agreement that governs Idleb continues to crumble, active parties are exploring a potential assault on the region and the implications that it could have writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

The Rebuilding of Syria and Conflicting Interests

While Assad has achieved success on the ground, he now faces new battles on the diplomatic stage, which look set to be an insurmountably task writes Anadolu News Agency.

Six Problems for Assad

Despite Bashar al-Assad now being in control of the large majority of the country, his problems are far from over writes Alsouria Net.

Trump “100 Percent” Favors Keeping US Troops in Syria

In December of last year, US President Donald Trump said that he would pull out all 2,000 US troops from Syria, but now appears to be changing his mind writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

France Proposes Amendments to the Constitution

France has reportedly reached out to Moscow to break the impasse of the constitutional committee and speed up the process of elections in Syria writes Asharq al-Awsat.