

Embracing the ‘Turkish Hijab’ — Syrian Women Choose Integration to Avoid Harassment

“It’s different when I wear a Syrian hijab because the Turks believe that I won’t understand them and so they avoid me and don’t speak with me.” As debate continues in the West around the compatibility of the hijab with European values, Enab Baladi speaks to Syrian women in Turkey about their reasons for adopting the the Anatolian version of the head covering

Endless Suffering of Syria’s Widows — Can the Cycle Be Broken?

Widows of northern Syria face immense pressures in the wake of their husbands’ deaths, as most are treated as inferior citizens and forced to comply with strict and demeaning expectations in order to receive support from family members, Asmaa al-Naasan writes in online magazine Al-Gherbal

Dismantling Historical Idleb: Syrian Antiquities Victim to Destruction, Looting and Neglect

Home to hundreds of archeological sites, rebel-held Idelb’s historical artifacts have seen the full effects of corruption, looting and deliberate bombardment over the past six years, as those antiquities that aren’t destroyed are gobbled up by an eager international black market, Hussein Abdullah writes

The Marginalization of the Syrian Working Woman

Lack of training for women risks putting more than half the population out of work, but why would Syrian society prevent large numbers of its potential human energy from working when it is in dire need of assistance in farming, education, health, and construction?

Aleppans on the Syrian Coast: We Want to Return to Our City

Displaced Aleppans in Lattakia and Tartous are eager to return to their embattled city to prevent demographic change after the regime and Russia declared victory against rebel fighters there

Editorial: To a Psychiatric Hospital, Erdogan!

For nearly six years, Turkey’s reckless, unbalanced and crazy leader has been working barbarically, savagely and with unmatched hatred toward the destruction, exploitation and slaughter of the Syrians, writes the Syrian Times

Opinion: Is the Islamic State Group Nearing its End?

Does the fall of the ISIS-held town of Dabiq to Western-backed forces signal the end of the radical Islamist group, and could its legacy live on following its possible demise?