

Syrian Crisis Beats German Crisis in World War II

Aleppo remains the most destroyed and devastated, representing 58% of the ruined surfaces in Syria due to the regime’s heavy bombing, with explosive barrels and Russian missiles

Hijab Calls for Full Ceasefire During Ramadan

Opposition leader warns of consequences of Syrian crisis on humanitarian situation and migration during meeting with Turkey’s foreign minister

Sharia Courts Observe Laws of War and Instability

The Ahrar al-Sham court is a coalition of three Islamist opposition groups: Ahrar al-Sham, Suqur al-Sham and Faylaq al-Sham

Syrian Refugees Return to School Desks For Full Integration

Older refugees face major learning issues with new languages in the countries they reside in, but people are unfair to judge them for laziness and a lack of motivation, says linguistics expert

Syrian Opposition Calls for Nationwide Ramadan Truce

The proposal was made in a letter from Riad Hijab, the coordinator of the opposition High Negotiations Committee (HNC), to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Monitor: 872 Civilians Killed in Syria During May

New report says high percentage of women and children casualties represents a “stark indication of the deliberate targeting of civilians by regime forces”