

Sheikh Mahmoud al-Hout Returns to Aleppo

Sheikh Mahmoud al-Hout, who had been a prominent imam, left Aleppo for Egypt when opposition groups moved into the area writes Al-Modon.

Palestinian Youths Forced to Join PLA in Syria

Hundreds of Palestinians have been forced to join the Palestine Liberation Army, regardless of whether or not they have study deferments writes Action Group For Palestinians of Syria.

SDF Releases More Than 100 Prisoners in Deir ez-Zor

The Syrian Democratic Forces have released a number of prisoners in an attempt to appease tribes in the area, with who relations have been strained reports Alsouria Net.

Why Do Syrians Celebrate When Israel Bombs Their Land?

Syrians living in opposition held areas have taken to celebrating Israeli strikes against regime targets, just as regime supporters celebrate strikes on civilian areas in Idleb writes Ana Insan.

War Crimes Committed in Idleb and Hama

The Syrian National Coalition has called on international organisations to increase efforts to stop attacks in Ideb and Hama and protect civilians.

Does the Regime Need the Idleb Battle?

While the regime pushes forward with its assault on Idleb and the Hama countryside, appetite among young men to go and fight is waning writes Al-Modon.