

Health Situation in Idleb Headed for “Disaster”

The ongoing assault by the regime, Iranian militias and Russia has targeted health facilities in Idleb, crippling their ability to help injured civilians reports Alsouria Net.

The Islam Alloush Test

The arrest of the former spokesman for Jaish al-Islam has split opinion, with some questioning the methods and intentions of the French judiciary writes Al-Modon.

January 2020 Syrian Detainee Figures Released 

The Syrian Network of Human Rights has released a report, detailing the arrests by the regime and opposition factions in Syria during January.

Tehran Prepares to Build 30,000 Housing Units in Syria

Tehran had reached an agreement with Damascus to build 30,000 houses in Syria and to establish Iranian-Syrian companies in the field of construction, transportation and infrastructure writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Islam Alloush: From the Assad Army to French Prison

Islam Alloush, who was a spokesman for Jaish al-Islam, has been arrested and charged with war crimes, torture, and the forced disappearance of activists report Al-Modon.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Refugees sentenced in Lebanon, skirmishes between US and Russian fighters, Jabhat al-Nusra attacks continue and the Syrian army advances. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Syria May Be the Test Case for Russia’s Influence

Russia has been instrumental in Syria and the actions have shown them to be a powerful force, but Asharq Al-Awsat asks if that will continue.