

Shihabi: Electoral Process is Corrupt

Candidates from the recent People’s Assembly election, who are traditionally loyal to Assad, have declared the voting to have been corrupted writes Baladi News.

French Expert Killed in Syria

A French mine expert was killed when an explosive device hit his car and the incident has highlight the difference between competing Kurdish factions writes SY 24.

Russia Criticizes Syrian Elections

Following the recent elections for the People’s Assembly, Russia has refrained from heaping praise on the process, suggesting they were unhappy with Iranian influence writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

A New Series of Assassinations in Daraa

Daraa has been rocked by the latest spate of assassinations, which have former opposition fighters as well as affiliates of Hezbollah and the Islamic State reports SY 24.

Moscow Push to Reduce UN Cross-Border Aid to Syria Fails

The Security Council had voted down a Russian bid to abolish the Bab al-Salam crossing and put a six month time limit on the Bab al-Hawa crossing reports Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Iran, Syrian Regime Sign Comprehensive Agreement

Iran and Syria have announced the signing of an agreement that will increase military cooperation between the two sides, but it also looks similar to an agreement signed in 2018 writes Alsouria Net.