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National Army Shuts Down Headquarters

In an effort to stop attacks in residential areas, the National Army has announced plans to relocate headquarters from the towns and cities to the Aleppo countryside writes Alsouria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend

A young girl has dies in al-Hol camp, a motorcycle bomb has killed one in Jarablus, a drone strike has hit two vehicles in Idleb and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham has arrested an American activist. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Protests in Suweida, a new law punishes people for not using Syrian pound, blast in Suluk targets Turkish troops and UN calls for ceasefire. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

YPG Kill 5 Civilians in Ras al-Ayn

A car bomb exploded in the village of Tel Halaf in the Ras al-Ayn area, killing five, as the YPG continue their fight against Turkey-backed forces writes Zaman al-Wasl.

YPG’s Car Bomb Rocks Ras al-Ayn

Turkey has accused the YPG of detonating a car bomb in the border town of Ras al-Ayn, killing and ijuring a number of civilians reports Zaman Al Wasl.

YPG Bomb Attack Kills 17 People in Ras al-Ayn

A village near Ras al-Ayn was hit with a car bomb attack that killed 17 people, and marks a rise in the use of car bombs writes Zaman al-Wasl.

Number of Victims of Azaz Bombing Rises to 22

The death toll from a recent explosion in the town of Azaz has now risen to 22, with officials saying that there is a security deficiency in the area reports Al-Hal.

Turkey Says Nearly 330,000 Syrians Returned Home

The Turkish Interior Minister has said that Syrians have been able to return due to the successes of Operation Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch reports Asharq al-Awsat.

Thousands of Syrians in Turkey Return Home

Turkey hosts the largest number of Syrian refugees, and as the fighting subdues, some are choosing to return home reports Alsouria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Attempts to progress the Manbij roadmap, regime officers killed, barley cultivation in Aleppo and US kills civilians in Hajin. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.