

What Happened Over the Weekend

Record numbers of Syrians are food insecure, 12 die in Aleppo bomb blast, and Iran announced a new direct shipping line to Latakia. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Anti-Assad Demonstrations Rage in Idleb

Hundreds of Idleb residents have joined protests demanding the right to return to their cities and villages, according to Baladi News.

What Happened Over the Weekend

UN urges repatriation of children, car bomb kills five in Afrin, clashes in Hassakeh, and Assad issues housing law. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Seven Daraa Central Committees Members Targeted

Assassinations are continuing to plague southern Syria, with members of the Central Committees, who are trying to implement the reconciliation agreements, being targeted reports Enab Baladi.

Russia, Iran Meet on Syria

Sergey Lavrov and Mohammad Javad Zarif have met to discuss the crisis in Syria, the need for diplomatic efforts and plans for another meeting of the Astana countries writes The Syria Times.