

The Syrian Regime’s Discrete Virtues

Hazem Saghieh recalls in Asharq al-Awsat the story of Omar, who was detained in the infamous Sednaya prison, and how it ironically shielded him from disastrous outcomes.

Astana 16 Talks Start in Nur-Sultan

The 16th round of Astana talks was just kicked off. Delegations will discuss cross-border aid, the security situation in Idleb, as well as the political solution to the Syrian crisis, SANA reports.

Syria and the ‘American Test’ for Russia

As a meeting about the Syrian conflict prepares in Rome, the Biden administration’s position towards Syria and Russia is still subject to debate, according to Asharq al-Awsat.

Biden Criticized for Leniency on Syria

Members of the US congress are criticizing the Biden administration for not imposing new sanctions on the Syrian regime, and even lifting those imposed on a prominent pro-Assad businessman, according to Asharq al-Awsat.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Assad congratulates the new Iranian president while 17 Syrian refugees drowned on their way to Italy. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Iranian Exports to Syria Up 73%

Iranian exports to Syria stood at 49 million US dollars, whereas Syrian imports only reached two million dollars, according to al-Souria Net.

What to Expect From the Russia-US Summit

Experts say that a mutual understanding bet ween on Syria between Putin and Biden could be reached in the upcoming summit, according to Athr Press.