

What Happened Over the Weekend

UN urges repatriation of children, car bomb kills five in Afrin, clashes in Hassakeh, and Assad issues housing law. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Seven Daraa Central Committees Members Targeted

Assassinations are continuing to plague southern Syria, with members of the Central Committees, who are trying to implement the reconciliation agreements, being targeted reports Enab Baladi.

Russia, Iran Meet on Syria

Sergey Lavrov and Mohammad Javad Zarif have met to discuss the crisis in Syria, the need for diplomatic efforts and plans for another meeting of the Astana countries writes The Syria Times.

Iran Tries to Expand in Daraa

Iran is continuing to push into Daraa with the Fourth Division, claiming to be searching for Islamists, which is refuted by locals in the area reports Baladi News.

Has SDF-Assad Partnership Been Dissolved?

Negotiations between the regime and the Syrian Democratic Forces have fallen apart, although a military confrontation is not anticipated reports Baladi News.

Now Trump Is Gone, What Next For Syria?

Donald Trump will leave office today, but what has he left behind in and Syria and what will challenges will his predecessor face?

The Last 24 Hours in Syria

Two Syrians are charge in Germany, an Islamist group launches an attack in Idleb, a landmine kills 10 Russian backed fighters, and Syria wishes to import more oil.