

‘Britain’s Air Strikes Are Doomed to Fail’: Assad

In an interview with The Sunday Times, Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, warns that bombing will increase the risk of terrorist attacks by sleeper cells in Europe unless there is a concerted effort to destroy ISIS on the ground. The following is the full text of the interview, as published by SANA.

Vienna and the Challenges of the Syrian Issue

The Syrian opposition finds itself today in front of a significant test: either to push for a unified effort and full coordination before entering into the political process, or face being placed on a list of terrorist organizations

Opinion: Who Brought Foreigners to Syria?

Fearing the idea that the fall of Damascus was imminent, there was increased competition to control the victorious opposition forces

Vienna II: Much Ado About Nothing

These talks have exhibited these countries’ clear abandonment of their responsibility to protect Syrian civilians and maintain the security and integrity of the members of the international community

Syrian Opposition Says Vienna Statement Not Up to Snuff

“The Vienna statement is a reflection of Russian efforts, which began with a military intervention in Syria, killing Syrians for a month and a half,” Coalition member states