

We Didn’t Understand Syria

Former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford recalls how America misunderstood Syria from the beginning of the war, writes Asharq Al-Awsat.

Lavrov, Ashkenazi Discuss Syria

Russian and Israel foreign ministers have pledged to stop Iranian activities in Syria, reports Al-Souria Net.

A Syrian Ray of Hope in a German Court?

Germany’s invocation of universal jurisdiction sends a clear message to the Assad regime, argues Elias Harfoush.

Germany Convicts Syrian in Landmark Torture Trial

In an international first, a former Syrian intelligence service member has been found guilty of crimes against humanity, writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

What if Abdah, Hariri Were to Learn from Navalny

Alexei Navalny returned to Russia, knowing what he would face when he arrived, and yet, none of the Syrian opposition leaders have dared to return to Damascus writes Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

The Last 24 Hours in Syria

Two Syrians are charge in Germany, an Islamist group launches an attack in Idleb, a landmine kills 10 Russian backed fighters, and Syria wishes to import more oil.

Germany Brings Home Women, Children From Syria Camps

Germany’s Foreign Ministry announced that it had repatriated three women and 12 children from camps in northeastern Syria, who had left Germany in recent years to join the extremist Islamic State reports Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.