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Cholera Outbreak: Towards “Worst Scenario”

The government probably won’t be able to find permanent solutions that prevent the spread of the disease, according to Enab Baladi. Al-Souria Net reports that vaccines are not available in Syria.

Local Companies Promote Investment in Idleb

At the Arab-Turkish Business Summit, held in Gaziantep, local companies promoted investment in northwestern Syria for the first time, according to al-Souria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend in Syria

Russian warplanes targeted opposition positions; a rocket attack killed 10 government soldiers and wounded nine more in the northwest; Kurdish militants fired rockets and mortar shells from Syria on a Turkish military border post; Putin has begun moving troops from Syria to Ukraine

Aid Cuts Threaten Hospitals in Idleb

Facing aid cuts after the Covid pandemic, the healthcare system in Idleb is falling apart, according to Asharq al-Awsat.

Online Campaign Against Deportation of Majed Shamaa

Activists launched an online campaign on social media to prevent the deportation of Syrian journalist Majed Shamaa, who was arrested as part of the “banana issue”, according to al-Tareek.

Turkish Defense Minister Renews Threat to “Alert” YPG

Turkish Defense Minister renewed his threat to launch an operation against the YPG in northeastern Syria, following attacks on Turkish officers and villages, according to al-Souria Net.