

Aleppans on the Syrian Coast: We Want to Return to Our City

Displaced Aleppans in Lattakia and Tartous are eager to return to their embattled city to prevent demographic change after the regime and Russia declared victory against rebel fighters there

After Trump’s Victory, is Hollande the Next Domino?

Where will the next domino fall? Perhaps France? Will the French left give up Hollande to stave off political extinction in the presidential elections next year?

Opinion: Aleppo and the Ring of Fire

The issue that is difficult to find a clear explanation for so far is the reduction in the intensity of the bombardment. Is there something threatening the Russian aircraft? Or is Putin sending a message to the Iranians after the dispute that erupted between them that they will lose without his support?

US Proposal to Russia Links Fighting Nusra Front and Ceasefire With Political Transition

According to a seven-page draft agreement, Moscow and Washington are considering high-level coordination beyond “carrying out air defense” in Syria’s skies, to reach a level of “direct cooperation” between the two armies and their intelligence agencies against Nusra Front and ISIS