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Denmark Continues Repatriation of Syrian Refugees

Denmark is moving forward with the issue of the repatriation of Syrian refugees, as it deems parts of Syria safe to welcome them back, according to al-Watan.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Syria participates in the 109th International Labor Conference, chemical weapons allegations, and transfer of ISIS militants. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Dutch Parliament Refuses to Deport Refugees

The Dutch Parliament refuses to follow the steps of Denmark and declares Syria unsafe for the return of refugees, Etihad Press, an opposition outlet, reports

What Happened Over the Weekend

The White Helmets receive a contract to make PPE, flights between Aleppo and Beirut resume, wanted refugee arrested in Greece and more coronavirus cases reported. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Syrian Refugees in Netherlands Fear Return

Syrian refugees living in the Netherlands are fearing that a new report about the situation in Syria could lead to them being deported, despite concerns for their safety reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Syrian Refugee Girl Shines in the Netherlands

Despite having to flee her home country and facing continued hardship, Shaza al-Manla has thrived as a musician and continues to excite audiences writes Zaman Al Wasl.