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Jordan Army Says Killed 27 Drug Smugglers on Syria Border

The Jordanian army said Thursday it had killed 27 drug smugglers in a clash as they tried to enter the kingdom from Syria, after Amman announced its intention to confront smugglers, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Hezbollah’s Drug Trade Ruins Syrian Youth

Schools in the suburbs of Damascus are being plagued by drugs, with Hezbollah being suspected as the main supplier of the narcotics reports Zaman Al Wasl.

8,409 Charged With Drug Dealing in 2018

Major Hossam Azar from the anti-drug department, blamed the spread of drugs on terrorist groups, who use the profits to fund their activities writes Al-Watan.

Two Drug Pushers Arrested in Damascus Countryside

The Anti-Narcotics Department seized 5 kg of hashish and 24 Captagon pills that were hidden in the dealers’ car, the Interior Ministry announced Wednesday, according to SANA