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Syria Rejects Buffer Zones in its Territories

Foreign Ministry slams Turkey’s attempts to create a buffer zone inside Syria as a violation of the principles, goals and Charter of the U.N.

Syrian Kurds Fight IS Alone

Turkey does not seem concerned with the fall of Kobani to IS, despite threats to the peace process with the Kurds

Syria’s Thousand Miles of Red Tape

Even Syrians who have escaped their war-torn country into Turkey continue to have their lives dominated by the Syrian regime’s far-reaching bureaucracy

Syrian Refugees and the Educational Challenge in Turkey

Syrian children are suffering from improvised Turkish policy, the absence of a clear vision from the Coalition, poor financial resources and the absence of a real and effective role for U.N.

Editorial: Turkey's Destructive Role!

The haul of sulphur and another unidentified substance will be examined by a team of army specialists, a Turkish army statement said