

SDC in Denial About US Withdrawal

While insisting that there will be no negotiations with the government, the SDC points out that as of yet, no US troops have left Syria reports Damas Post.

Turkey’s Path Blocked in Idleb

While Turkey prepares for a possible assault on the eastern banks of the Euphrates, Russia and the regime are becoming impatient about the status of Idleb writes Al-Modon.

Syrian Regime Murders Leading Female Figures

Before being arrested, Dr. Faten Rajab Fawaz and Layla al-Shouikani were leading figures in the early days of the revolution writes Ana Press.

Firas Tlass: Never Trust the Americans

Syrian businessman Firas Tlass has lashed out at the US and their lack of planning and strategy in Syria writes Ana Press.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Attacks in Idleb, returning Syrians from Jordan, airstrikes in Deir ez-Zor and Turkish complaints over US observation posts. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

A New Social Contract for Syrian Stability

The Kurdish population in Syria has a historic opportunity to forge a path that can help them secure the rights and representation that they had previously lost writes Al-Hurra Network.