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Third Round of Polio Campaign Reaches 1.41 Million Syrian Children

The vaccination campaign was launched by the Assistance Coordination Unit
Third Round of Polio Campaign Reaches 1.41 Million Syrian Children

The team working to fight polio has issued the results of the third round of the vaccination campaign against the disease in Syria.


The total number of vaccinated children reached 1,418, 888 children in eight governorates.


Iqtissad publishes the detailed results as follows:


1. Aleppo and its countryside: 588,747 children (the team noted difficulties because of the continuous shelling)

2. Deir Al-Zor: 292,514 children

3. Hasaka: 29,983 children (the team reached the villages in Tel Hamis for the first time, after Assad's forces withdrew)

4. Raqqa: 222.458 child. (despite the difficult security situation).

5. Hama: 36,562 children (mostly in the northern and eastern countryside, as the city of Hama itself and its western countryside are regime-controlled)

6. Homs: 1,850 children (some villages in the northern and north eastern countryside)

7. Lattakia: 4,821 children (opposition-held areas)

8. Edlib: 243,372 children (including the refugees camps on the border)


Vaccination teams noticed a demographic change since the second round due to the bombardment, however, they said the teams tried to reach as many of the children as possible.


The second round is part from six rounds of vaccination aiming at eliminating polio in Syria. The first round vaccinated 1.25 million children and the second vaccinated 1.4 million children. The fourth round will start this month.


The team was formed by the Assistance Coordination Unit in the National Coalition and the local councils in the liberated regions, in addition to some local and non-governmental international organizations. The team consists of 8,500 volunteers, including 200 doctors.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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