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Shaaban: Israeli Entity Serves as an Advanced Base for the West, Especially the US

Shaaban accused the American President of working to remove the resistance's actions from their historical context, according to al-Watan.
Shaaban: Israeli Entity Serves as an Advanced Base for the West, Especially the US

Buthaina Shaaban, Special Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic, asserted that the Israeli occupation functions as an advanced base for the entire West, particularly the United States, due to their organic and historical cooperation in every field.

Shaaban made these remarks during a press conference at the opening session of Al-Quds International Foundation’s board of secretaries on Saturday. As the chairperson of the board of trustees, Shaaban emphasized that events in Palestine highlight not just a military battle, but also a crucial battle of narrative, language, and thought. She criticized the Zionist entity and its supporters for distorting the image of the resistance and the Arab people to justify the genocide against Palestinians.

She pointed out that the narrative adopted by the American President since October 7th aims to remove the resistance’s actions from their historical context, providing the Zionist entity with an excuse and reward for its genocidal acts.

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Shaaban noted that Israeli aggression against Palestinians has sparked a social movement in the West in support of Palestine. However, the West has used force to suppress this movement, contradicting its stated principles of freedom of expression and opinion. She stated that the resistance’s reality shows that the West does not value international law or human rights, despite its rhetoric.

Shaaban highlighted that with the recognition of the State of Palestine by 143 countries, the Palestinian issue has become a global human rights concern, reflecting the determination and resistance of the Palestinian people.

Ambassador Dr. Samir Al-Rifai, representing Palestine in Damascus, echoed Shaaban’s sentiments. He stated that the Zionist enemy’s goal in the Gaza war is systematic extermination and displacement following infrastructure destruction, and noted similar attacks and annexation plots in the West Bank. Al-Rifai appreciated Syria’s steadfast support for the Palestinian cause and expressed confidence that, despite Western backing for the occupation, victory will ultimately belong to Palestine and its supporters.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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