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Pro-government Reporter killed in al-Qusayr

A pro-government woman reporter was shot dead while covering the battles in al-Qusayr
Pro-government Reporter killed in al-Qusayr

Our colleague Yaara Abbas, a reporter with Al-Ikhbariya television, was martyred on Mondayby terrorist gunfire near al-Dabaa airport in al-Qusayr, Homs province.


Yaara's father told SANA his daughter's martyrdom was a source of pride.


''Yaara was martyred carrying out her national duty. She revealed the activities of the armed terrorist groups and the havoc they wreaked on our homeland,'' he said.


Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said in a statement that Syrian media had lost "a fastidious, diligent, energetic and loyal colleague, who had strong confidence in Syria, Syrians, the Syrian media, and herself."


Zoubi said that while this was a "tragic and regrettable incident," Abbas knew that her life was at risk for the sake of Syria like many others, and had voiced hope that she might be the last of the martyrs in Syria.




Tranlsated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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