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FSA Takes 5 Villages from ISIS in Aleppo Countryside

Rebels take control over a number of villages including Qasajik, Qarah Ghouz and Tel Shaeer on the western side of the village of Al-Rai on Sunday
FSA Takes 5 Villages from ISIS in Aleppo Countryside

Free Syrian Army units succeeded in retaking five villages from the Islamic State group in the northern Aleppo countryside 24 hours after the beginning of the third phase of operation Euphrates Shield.

Enab Baladi’s correspondent in Aleppo reported that the FSA groups, part of the Hawar Kilis operations room, took control over the villages of Qasajik, Qarah Ghouz and Tel Shaeer on the western side of the village of Al-Rai on Sunday, September 18.

The groups were able to expel the ISIS fighters from the two villages of Qantas and Taat Homs, hours after beginning the third stage of the operation aiming to expel the radical Islamist group from the Aleppo countryside.

The Euphrates Shield Operation receives Turkish support on land and air alongside coordination Ankara announced with the United States.

The operation has succeeded in its first and second stages of expelling the organization from a border area in the northern Aleppo countryside and northeastern countryside, from Jarablus to Al-Rai.

FSA leaders told Enab Baladi that the third stage aimed to take control of the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, which is the main base for the Islamic State group in the province.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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