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Exclusive: al-Muwasa Hospital Quarantines 40 Staff Members Amid New Decisions for Work Mechanism

A hospital in Damascus has sealed of large parts after 40 members of staff contracted coronavirus, or showed coronavirus-like symptoms reports Sowt Al-Asima.
Exclusive: al-Muwasa Hospital Quarantines 40 Staff Members Amid New Decisions for Work Mechanism

The al-Muwasa Hospital in Damascus released several decisions on Jun. 27, 2020, related to its internal medical procedures, and others related to auditors and reducing the number of patients. 

Sources told Sowt Al-Asima that the hospital administration released a decision to close all outpatient clinics and suspend their reception inside the hospital. 

The sources added that the hospital’s decisions also included one to remove all patients of non-emergency ailments who are staying in the upper floors of the hospital. They would be allowed to have interspersed visits at times appointed by management. 

The decisions come after an outbreak of coronavirus among medical staff members at the hospital, as reported by pro-government local media and by an official announcement from the Health Ministry. They still refrained from announcing all of the infections. 

The sources confirmed that there were 40 people quarantined inside the al-Muwasa Hospital with coronavirus and coronavirus-like symptoms, including doctors, nurses and graduate students. The administration quarantined them all on the fourth floor of the hospital. 

According to the sources, members of staff who were suspected of having the virus were placed in isolation rooms on the same floor, pending the results of medical analyses to see if they tested positive. Each room contains at least three people under quarantine.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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