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Iranian Study for a Subway Project in Damascus

An electric busses project was also discussed during the visit of Teheran's mayor to Damascus, al-Watan reports.
Iranian Study for a Subway Project in Damascus

Al-Watan has learned from private sources that during the recent visit of Tehran’s mayor to Damascus, at the invitation of Governor Muhammad Tariq Kreishati, three projects were proposed. The first involves the introduction of electric buses, the second focuses on solid waste treatment, and the third is a subway project beneath Damascus. All three projects are currently under study.

In a separate matter, the Governor of Damascus Countryside, Ahmed Khalil, announced that an agreement was reached during last week’s meeting between the Damascus and Damascus Countryside governorates. The southern ring road will serve as the administrative boundary between the two regions, with no changes to the current regional map. Areas near Damascus will remain part of the rural governorate, not the city. Khalil emphasized that this agreement aligns with efforts to beautify the capital.

In an exclusive statement to Al-Watan, Khalil acknowledged that the issue of administrative borders is longstanding, but noted that a consensus was reached during the latest meeting. He explained that Damascus and its surrounding countryside are closely linked due to overlapping areas. Khalil further expressed his support for ensuring the capital’s aesthetic appeal, minimizing car congestion, and improving traffic flow.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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