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Contradiction in Statements About “Investments”: Regime to Privatize Parks in Damascus

Some gardens are intended for construction and investment as floor garages, Shaam Network writes.
Contradiction in Statements About “Investments”: Regime to Privatize Parks in Damascus

The director of traffic engineering in the Damascus Government Council of the Assad regime, Samer Haddad, initially stated that several parks would be offered for partnership with the private sector to establish garages. However, he later denied such participation. 

Sources in the council clarified that the gardens intended for construction and investment as floor garages under the gardens are only the Pioneers’ Gardens in Baramkeh and Soufaniya in Bab Touma, after an official mentioned that Sobki and al-Jahiz parks and others were included in the investment. 

It was specified that the garages under the gardens of Soufaniya and Vanguards will be offered for construction and investment according to the BOT system, not in partnership with the private sector. The projects will ensure that the garden land remains beautiful and has a decent appearance in exchange for investment. 

The director of traffic engineering estimated that Damascus currently has 15 garages, with seven managed by the directorate and the rest by the private sector. The fare to park in these garages is 1,000 Syrian pounds. 

Regarding paid parking on the roads, it is managed by a company and limited to commercial sites only, with the cost of parking at 1,000 Syrian pounds. 

Bashar al-Assad issued Law No. (43) of 2023 to establish a public authority called the “General Authority for the Management and Protection of State Property” based in Damascus.

Hussam al-Din Safour, a property official in the Assad regime’s Damascus Provincial Council, discussed the preparation of several commercial and tourism investment projects aimed at generating revenues for Damascus governorate to provide decent services to its residents.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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