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Bombardment Between Government and Opposition in De-Escalation Zone

Tensions escalate between the Syrian regime and opposition factions around Idleb, according to North Press.
Bombardment Between Government and Opposition in De-Escalation Zone

On Sunday, Syrian government forces renewed their artillery and missile attacks on opposition sites in the al-Zawiya Mountain, south of Idleb.

The government forces targeted the town of al-Fatirah and the village of Kafr Haya with heavy artillery shells and missiles, military sources of the opposition told North Press.

On Saturday, Russian warplanes launched four airstrikes on the Civil Defense Center (White Helmets), in the al-Sheikh Youssef village in al-Roj Plain, west of Idleb, according to sources from the Civil Defense. The Russian airstrikes injured five volunteers of the center, which was destroyed along with rescue and firefighters vehicles, the sources added.

Moreover, on Saturday, five civilians including two children and two women were wounded due to bombardment by the government forces in the al-Saknia neighborhood in the city of Ariha, south of Idleb, according to the Civil Defense.

On the other hand, the al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operations Room announced that it had bombed the sites of the government forces and the Russian forces in the Hamidiya camp, the city of Kafr Nabl, the towns of Basqala and Khan al-Sabel, south of Idleb, with heavy artillery and rockets, causing material damage, according to military sources.

Artillery of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham also targeted government forces positions in Jorin camp and the village of Beit Hussino in the Ghab Plain, west of Hama, with artillery shells, according to the same sources.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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