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55 Civilians Killed Last July

Bombings accounted for approximately 24% of the casualties, the Damas Post writes.
55 Civilians Killed Last July

The Syrian Network for Human Rights released a report on Tuesday, revealing a distressing toll of civilian casualties in Syria for the month of July. According to the report, 55 civilians lost their lives, among them were 16 children, four women, and three individuals who tragically died due to torture.

Bombings accounted for approximately 24% of the casualties, but the perpetrators behind these attacks remained unidentified. The governorates most affected were Aleppo with 37.5% of the casualties and Daraa with 25%, both witnessing fatalities caused by unidentified parties.

In addition to the bombings, mines claimed the lives of 5 civilians across various regions of Syria. This pushed the overall death toll of civilians since the beginning of 2023 to 91.

One of the most concerning aspects revealed in the report was that nearly 39% of the victims were subjected to torture at the hands of Syrian regime forces.

These grim statistics underscore Syria’s status as one of the worst countries globally in perpetrating multiple violations against children, as highlighted in the United Nations’ report on children and armed conflict in 2022. The ongoing conflict continues to take a devastating toll on innocent civilians, especially children, warranting urgent attention and action from the international community.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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